
Who we are and what I am

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Bagurdes is a unique last name, there are only a few dozen of us and we're mostly all in the same midwestern state. We're a hard working and fun loving bunch. We're a family of Teachers, Hackers, Doctors and Nurses. We all love dogs, cats, bacon, beer, and the lake. What more do you need?

Tropical Rich

Rich Bagurdes is the creator of the site and one of the geeks/hackers in the family. In addition to computers and all things technical I also tend to get deeply involved in a few seasonal activities. Spring time you'll find me tapping maple trees and making syrup to share. Summer you'll find me out on the pontoon or sailing. Fall I spend outdoors wrapping up the summer activities or getting ready for winter. Winter I'll be snowmobiling (if there is snow) or ice skating or just trying to spend as much time outdoors as I can stand.

Priya Science Fair

Priya Bagurdes is the older daughter of Rich and Lisa and is a brilliant little girl. She loves cats and her mind is complex. She is in A.L.Ps and she is popular in school. Her best friends are Neely and Sydney. She has this club called Cupcake, Sprinkles and friends. She is Cupcake, Neely is Frosting and Sydney is Sprinkles. She had a hard time with a move a few years ago, but now she kind of appreciates it. She has authored a book or two in the past few years. Here is a link if you want to see them. My first book: for toddlers

Adventure Sonya

Sonya Bagurdes is Rich and Lisa’s younger daughter. She is adventurous, brave, and very kind. She loves cats, coloring, and playing with her Lego and Barbie dolls. She is an excellent swimmer, singer, and dancer. One day she wants to be a pop star.

I've asked the rest of the family to provide a bit of a bio to post. As I get those I will post them here